Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Lesson 3.1.6: Tetris Transformations (Days 73-76)


One, two, threeTurn it up
First Verse:
Big backpack keep on turnin'Carry it to class to see my friendsTalkin' on the way to math classI miss Algebra once again and I think it's a sin, yes
Well I heard my friends talk about mathWell I heard one guy put math downWell I hope my friend will rememberA math person like me don't need him around anyhow
Sweet home AlgebraAnd Geometry too.Sweet home AlgebraHey I'm comin' to class for you
Second Verse:
In math class they listen to teacher (boo-hoo-hoo)Now we all did what we could doNow equations do not bother meDoes your conscience bother you?Tell the truth
(to Chorus)
Third Verse:
Now the class has got the math bookAnd they've been known to pick a problem or two (yes they do)Hey I know all the answersThey pick me up when I'm feelin' blueNow how about you?
(to Chorus)
OK, today was such a strange day that, after resisting doing an extra "Day in the Life" yesterday, I suddenly feel the need to do a quick one today:

8:30 -- First period arrives. This is a Math III class.

In this class we go over the "Ancient Puzzle" -- the intro to logs from the CPM text. My focus here is on the Checking for Understanding part of the lesson. Even though there's already a worksheet based on the CPM text, that page doesn't contain many examples, so I've made up my own. That is what's been lacking from previous lessons -- I just assume that because there's a completed worksheet that I don't need any extra examples.

And I believe that these examples help the students understand what's admittedly a tricky topic. I'm still not sure I give enough, though -- while I do show them more simple logs, I don't go further with solving exponential equations than the three on the worksheet. But with my extra log examples, I'm already ahead of the game compared to my previous lessons.

9:50 -- Today is the anniversary of the day someone dared me to hit the PE. teacher back when I was a young eighth grader -- an incident for which I was suspended. (I mentioned it briefly in last week's COVID What If? worlds -- including some in which it never happens.) Every year I retell the story to one of my classes -- usually third period (the time when I had PE that year). Since I don't have a third period, I tell the story at around the time it happened (just before 10:00).

9:55 -- First period leaves. As I said, this leads to nutrition and third period conference.

During the prep period, I receive an email from the math department chair, who announces that there will be a CT meeting coming up on Friday. So I'll wait to decide whether to jump to Sections 3.2 or 3.3. of the Math I text until after that meeting, when the final exam will presumably be discussed..

11:45 -- Fourth period arrives. This is the first of two Math I classes meeting today.

And the World Cup continues. As I wrote yesterday, there's no way I'm teaching slope of parallel and perpendicular lines on a day when the kids are distracted.

Since I'm waiting until after Friday's meeting to jump to 3.2 or 3.3 (and also to avoid confusing the students when it comes to Friday's quiz) I wish to stay in 3.1 now. So I look around for another Desmos lesson that I can give during the soccer matches, and land on Lesson 3.1.6, Tetris Transformations. And to prepare for the quiz, I have the students glue a DeltaMath review page into the interactive notebook.

Even though Mexico defeats Saudi Arabia 2-1, Poland advances due to goal differential. And I must keep explaining to the students that even if the Saudis hadn't scored that late goal in stoppage time, Mexico still would have been eliminated due to the "fair play" tiebreaker -- El Tri had received too many yellow and red cards, so the Poles still would advance to the knockout round.

Once again, during the soccer matches, I perform no song. (Normally I perform the song I post on Wednesdays in fourth period only that day -- instead I'll start "Sweet Home Algebra" tomorrow.)

1:15 -- Fourth period leaves for lunch.

2:05 -- Sixth period arrives. This is the second of two Math I classes meeting today.

Once again, due to the way our block schedule works on Wednesdays, sixth period is supposed to match yesterday's fourth period lesson, not today's. So I get ready to do the Transformation Golf lesson, including singing the golf song.

But then the Wi-Fi goes out, and so there's no way to access Desmos. Instead, I only pass out the notebook page from fourth period (which I was expecting to give sixth period tomorrow). Yes, that's how my first big Geometry lesson goes in all three Math I classes -- interrupted by a special ed meeting in second period, the World Cup in fourth, and a Wi-Fi blackout in sixth.

3:30 -- Sixth period leaves, thus ending my teaching day.

This also means that the golf song is cursed -- I perform it in sixth, but there's no Desmos golf activity to go with it. In fact, I'm considering going back and editing yesterday's post and changing the lyrics to the Math III song that I should have written in the first place.

I might still rewrite the golf song with a new tune for future math classes -- perhaps I'll now set it to The Simpsons theme song (thus making it a parody), since I've been tying this activity to the Bart Simpson golf episode. Likewise, I could have made today's song a parody of the background music from the video game Tetris. But I don't, since only second period is doing the Tetris activity tomorrow. (Fourth period does it today and doesn't meet tomorrow, while I'll likely finish golf with sixth tomorrow since I'd already posted it to Google Classroom before the Wi-Fi outage.)

Just before Thanksgiving break, a sixth period guy was telling me about future song parodies that he'd like to hear me sing, including "Sweet Home Algebra" (an "Alabama" parody, of course). And so I write this parody as it will fit tomorrow's lesson no matter what I teach (including the line in the chorus about "Geometry too"). On the guitar, it repeats the riff D-C-G throughout the entire song.

I hope sixth period will enjoy this song tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Lesson 3.1.2: Transformation Golf (Day 72)

EDIT: I've changed the originally posted song to a Math III song. As I discuss in the following post, I should have written the song for Math III in the first place.


First Verse:
How can I get, (putt-putt)
To reach my goal, (putt-putt)
To draw the graph, (putt-putt)
Exponential? (putt-putt)

Reflection, that's a flip,
Translation, that's a slide,
Compression, or a stretch,
Equation graphing pride.

Population growth,
There's actually,
A practical use,
For nonlinearity.

Second Verse:
How can I get, (putt-putt)
My memory to jog, (putt-putt)
To graph inverse, (putt-putt)
That's called the log? (putt-putt)
(to Pre-Chorus)

This is the fifth song that I'm writing in 12EDL, our main scale for November and December, and the first in ABC format, with verses, a pre-chorus, and a chorus.

Unfortunately there are some problems with singing the song today. In second period, there is a special ed meeting that I must attend, and fourth period had a major distraction -- the World Cup, with Team USA defeating Iran to advance to the knockout stage.

But let's start with yesterday's lessons, though, since I really want to discuss how I taught Geometry on this Geometry blog. As I mentioned during last week's Thanksgiving break posts, I began with CPM Lesson 3.1.1, which introduces reflections. The students sort of figured out what it means to reflect a polygon across a mirror. But while I tried to adjust the lesson throughout the day, the result was the same -- the students struggled with the coordinates part of the lesson.

This is to be expected -- many of the problems we had in Chapter 2 ultimately go back to the fact that they aren't completely comfortable with a coordinate plane. But hold on a minute -- there's not even supposed to be a coordinate plane in our intro to reflections! This idea goes all the way back to David Joyce, a mathematician whom I described on the blog in the early days. (Joyce wouldn't completely agree with transformation-based Geometry, but he does state that a coordinate plane should be avoided until synthetic geometry is taught.) And in fact, the original CPM problems don't contain a coordinate plane either -- there is a grid in the background, but neither the vertices nor the mirror line are labeled with x- or y-coordinates.

So where did the coordinates come from? Apparently, one of my colleagues created this worksheet and just added the coordinate section himself (or herself). While I can understand why we might want coordinates here, I've established myself (here on the blog) as the transformations expert, so I shouldn't blindly follow what the other teachers do.

By the time I reached sixth period yesterday, I decided to emphasize the first part of the worksheet where the students draw the reflections and save the coordinates for the end. A few students still had drawings that weren't exact, though. Perhaps this would have been a good time for me to turn on the Promethean and use its Whiteboard grid to emphasize the importance of being exact in the drawings.

That takes us to today -- Giving Tuesday, the last day of the Thanksgiving week in which almost every day has a special name. I'm almost tempted to write this as "A Day in the Life" with the weird things happening in second and fourth period, but I won't.

I already mentioned how Transformation Golf has already been set up in Desmos. In second period, I set up the Desmos and leave it for the students to work on after I leave for the meeting.

As for fourth period, I hadn't been planning to show a livestream of the USA soccer match -- instead, I was just going to show them the score from time to time. It's my neighbor teacher, showing her own class the game during third and fourth period, who convinces me that the quadrennial event is going to be a distraction anyway, so I might as well do something simple, like the same Desmos that I'd already left for second period.

Of course, the timing of the World Cup couldn't have been any worse. The big primetime matches in Qatar's time zone end up at 11 AM Pacific time -- and since it's in November-December due to the Qatari heat, it's during the school year. I should be fortunate that the first two USA matches were during Thanksgiving break.

(In 2018 and 2014, the World Cup began on Day 180 in the respective school districts where I was subbing at the time, so it wasn't much of a distraction. The last time the Cup affected me at a school was all the way back in 2010 -- back when schools still started after Labor Day and so the last day of school was deep into June. The first semester of 2009-2010 was my student teaching, but I was subbing in my district during the second semester.)

Moreover, my neighbor teacher is also one of the two teachers writing the Math I final exam. In her own class, she decides to jump to Section 3.3 on distributive property and solving equations, and informs me that there might not be much transformations on the final. As much as I want to teach the Geometry lessons, the priority must be preparing the students for the final exam.

Indeed, tomorrow in fourth period will be even more distracting than today. The majority of my students are Hispanic, and so they might be interested in Team Mexico as they play Saudi Arabia. And moreover, Mexico (unlike Team USA) doesn't control its own destiny -- it also needs a favorable result in the Argentina vs. Poland match in order to advance. Furthermore, some of my students care about Argentina not because of Mexico's group, but due to the presence of the famous Lionel Messi. (At least USA's match vs. the Netherlands will be on Saturday, not a school day -- and I believe that Mexico, if they advance, will play on the weekend as well.)

So the last thing I want to do is teach Lesson 3.1.3 on slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines -- my kids already have lots of trouble with slope, and then I'd be teaching that when there are two matches competing for their attention. Thus instead, I might likewise jump to 3.3 like the other Math I teachers, though I'll still do Transformation Golf with sixth period tomorrow.

And so, unless it's announced that more of 3.1 will be on the final, that's the sum total of the Geometry that I'm teaching this semester -- in a chapter that's delayed because we kept extending Chapters 1-2, then taught when there are special ed meetings and World Cup distractions, and then compressed because it's almost winter break.

I look forward to teaching the next Geometry chapter, namely Chapter 7. But who's to say that this chapter won't suffer the same fate -- Chapters 4-6 get extended, then we're up against spring break so the other teachers say, let's cut out the Geometry again?

And all of this ruined my song as well, since I don't perform during the soccer match.

I'll still post the Mocha code for this song:

10 N=8
20 FOR V=1 TO 2
30 FOR X=1 TO 68
50 SOUND 261-N*A,T
90 END
100 DATA 12,6,6,6,12,4,12,8,7,4,7,4
110 DATA 12,6,6,6,12,4,12,8,7,4,7,4
120 DATA 12,6,6,6,12,4,12,8,7,4,7,4
130 DATA 12,6,6,6,12,4,12,8,7,4,7,4
140 DATA 8,8,12,4,9,4,11,4,10,8,8,4
150 DATA 8,8,12,4,9,4,11,4,10,8,8,4
160 DATA 8,8,12,4,9,4,11,4,10,8,8,4
170 DATA 8,8,12,4,9,4,11,4,10,8,8,4
180 DATA 8,6,12,6,11,2,8,2,6,16
190 DATA 8,6,12,6,11,2,8,2,6,16
200 DATA 8,6,12,6,11,2,8,2,6,16
210 DATA 8,6,12,6,11,2,8,2,6,16

Don't forget to click Sound before you RUN the program.

The chord riffs are Am-D for the verses, Am-C for the pre-chorus, and E(7)-Am for the chorus. The chorus melody is E-(low)A-B-E-(high)A, with the B representing Degree 11.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Small Business Saturday: Revisiting What If?

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. A COVID-92 What If?
3. Middle School Pandemic Letter Grades
4. Possible COVID-92 Report Cards in 7th Grade
5. A What If? That Matches My Students' Struggles
6. Possible COVID-93 Report Cards in 8th Grade
7. Revisiting the Long-Term Sub Position
8. The Eight-Period Block Schedule
9. Rapoport Question of the Day
10. Conclusion


I knew that Thanksgiving was truly over once I checked my email yesterday and found an avalanche of late assignment notifications from Google Classroom and other questions about grades.

Today is Small Business Saturday, the day  when customers are asked to support local stores rather than the big box retailers of Black Friday or the large online companies of Cyber Monday. I think of this day as State Meet Saturday, the day when Cross Country champions are crowned here in California.

It is my tradition to make my annual viewing of McFarland USA on State Meet Saturday. And I'm also watching the Christmas comedy Elf today, only because TBS is airing a marathon of it today. I've discussed both films on the blog before -- in particular, the accuracy of their calendars. The dates in Elf work out if we assume that Buddy arrives in New York on Monday, December 20th. But the timeline in McFarland USA are completely wrong -- in particular, the State Meet is depicted on December 12th, when the race has always fallen on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

(On second thought, I wonder whether the reason for placing the race on December 12th is that it is Guadalupe Day. An image of the Lady appears throughout the film, including on the Whites' wall when the family moves into the house. So it's only fitting to put the climax of the movie on her feast day.)

Three years ago on the blog, I wrote about my Cross Country career on State Meet Saturday. And since then, I also wrote some of the COVID What If? stories during Thanksgiving break -- in other words, what if the pandemic had occurred not in 2019-2020, but back when I was a young student? How would such a pandemic have affected my high school (including my Cross Country) career?

I wasn't sure whether I wanted to extend the What If? stories this year. The What Ifs are supposed to end when the pandemic does, but many people believe that the pandemic is now becoming endemic, just like the flu -- a disease that never actually ends. This year, COVID-19 continues to affect us -- my students are still missing time due to COVID. And with cases creeping up again, COVID testing kits have been distributed for students and staff to use twice -- once tomorrow night before returning to school, and once during the upcoming week.

But more importantly, the COVID What Ifs force me to put myself in my students' shoes and understand what they've been going through over the past few years. And since I'm still trying to avoid arguments and make better connections with my kids, some empathy on my part definitely can't hurt.

And so I'm continuing the COVID What If? stories in this post.

A COVID-92 What If?

So which year should I choose for the pandemic year in today's What If? Well, I'm supposed to base it on my current students -- first I should figure out what grade my kids were in when the schools were shut down, then place the pandemic in the year when I was in that same grade as a young student.

I'm currently teaching Math I and III, so my students are mainly freshmen and juniors. Since three out of my five classes are Math I, the focus should be on the freshman. They were sixth graders when the schools first closed, and so I go back to my own sixth grade year, which was 1992-93. This means that today's What If? should be COVID-92. The date COVID-n refers to the December 31st of the year n, when the virus was first identified. The schools would then close the following March.

But there are problems with a COVID-92 What If? story. First of all, COVID-92 would clash with some of the previous What Ifs that I've written -- in particular COVID-91. I like this story because the dates work out better -- March 13th was a Friday in both 1992 and 2020, and so the schools can close on the exact same date in both COVID-91 and COVID-19. (And that's not to mention the simplicity of just reversing the digits in COVID-19 to obtain COVID-91.)

And more importantly, it's more difficult to compare a sixth grade closure at the K-6 elementary school that I attended to a closure at the 6-8 middle schools that my kids attended. For them, losing sixth grade just meant losing the last part of the first year of middle school, but for me, it would mean missing sixth grade graduation and other activities such as sixth grade camp -- which my kids would have attended in fifth grade at their K-5 elementary schools, just before the pandemic.

Then again, on the original timeline, I didn't go to sixth grade camp (although my friends did). The last field trip I attended as a sixth grader was to the Fullerton Arboretum (that is, a tree-place) in Orange County -- I don't remember the exact date, but I keep thinking it was in February or March. So I believe that we would have barely made it on this trip before COVID-92 shuts down the schools.

Two years ago during my long-term assignment, I had a choice whether to blog about COVID-92 (to match my then-seventh graders) or COVID-93 (for the eighth graders). And I chose the latter, just to avoid the "6th = elementary or middle school?" problem. And thus I have both COVID-91 and 93 What Ifs on the blog, crowding out a possible COVID-92 story.

Let's continue to explore the COVID-92 What If? anyway -- and perhaps in doing so, we can find out whether another year might match my current students' experiences and allow me to empathize better.

Middle School Pandemic Letter Grades

For sixth grade, my grades would been frozen at what they were at the time of the closure. These would have been straight A's, except for a C grade that I was earning in health. Seventh grade would have been a different issue -- I would have needed to earn my grades during distance learning.

This week I was reading about some parents who were complaining about their students' grades during the pandemic closures. While the grades earned from March-June 2020 didn't count, the parents don't want the grades during the 2020-21 school year to count either.

As I read the article further, it appears that the creator of the petition is the mother of a current eighth grader who's trying to apply to magnet high schools in their district. And the district won't even look at the application unless a certain GPA is obtained in Grades 6-7. The child earned straight A's in all classes that were held in-person before the pandemic closure (fifth grade) and afterward (seventh grade) but struggled just to scrape by with C's in sixth grade in 2020-21. Thus the parent wants the grades that year not to count, so that her kid's GPA for the purpose of high school entrance would become 4.0.

(By the way, though this petition is in some Southern California district, many articles have been written about New York and its high school application process. The difference is that the Big Apple only looks at seventh grade marks, not sixth grade as in California.)

It's tough for me to decide whether I agree with this mother or not. But since we're having a COVID -92 What If? fantasy here, let's look to see what grades I would have earned during my first year of middle school (in my case seventh grade), and whether I would have struggled as much as the students who are the subjects of the petition.

On the original timeline, I took Algebra I as a seventh grader, after having studied Pre-Algebra independently from Grades 2-6 at my elementary school. My teachers would send my work to the 7-12 school, and the math teacher there would grade it and assign new work for me to complete. In the seventh grade, I finally met the teacher who was grading my work all those years, and she became my new Algebra I instructor.

Anyway, her policy was that grades would be based on quizzes and tests, except that homework would add a plus or minus to the grade. So if your grade based on tests was a B, then it would become a B+ if enough homework was turned in and a B- if there's not enough work.

At the end of the first quarter, my grade was an A-. In other words, I had earned an A based on the tests alone, but didn't submit enough work to avoid the minus. Of course, an A- in math isn't bad, nor is the S for citizenship. The problem was the N that I received for work habits -- along with a comment stating that I hadn't turned in enough homework.

Why was I slacking in homework that quarter after having faithfully turned in assignments to that same teacher ever since second grade? Most likely, the independent work led to bad habits on my part -- I'd only turned in work whenever my elementary teachers were ready to drop them off at the 7-12 school, which might have been once every couple of weeks. But once I was at that school myself, I was expected to turn in work each and every day -- and I wasn't prepared to do so.

After that embarrassing N on my first quarter report card, I never had problems turning in work to Algebra I class again. For the other three quarters, my grades were all A+'s -- that is, A's on the tests and sufficient homework turned in. (And yes, A+ was a real grade at that school.) Of course, this all refers to the original timeline (where the pandemic doesn't happen until 2019-20), not COVID-92.

Recall that for our COVID What Ifs, distance learning is based on the technology that was available during that actual year -- so there is no Zoom school in the COVID-92 world. My belief is that had a pandemic occurred in the 1990s, distance learning would have consisted of packets to be completed at home and submitted to the teachers each week. That is, it would have been similar to the independent Pre-Algebra work that I had for Grades 2-6, except that it's for all students (not just me) and all teachers, and that the students must go to the school to turn in and pick up new work themselves.

This means that for an Algebra I class, the entire grade would be based on homework -- and again, my first quarter grade on the original timeline was A-. If I recall, the threshold to get a plus instead of a minus was 75%. So if my COVID-92 grade is based on homework, then we must assume that my grade would have been no higher than 74% -- a C grade.

And this meant that -- just like the petitioners' children in the real world -- I would have earned a C in my best class, a class where I normally get A's, due to the pandemic.

By the way, there was nothing like applying to magnet high schools when I was in middle school -- my school spanned grades 7-12, so I was already at the school I'd attend as a freshman. The closest counterpart there would be the advanced classes -- eighth graders are assigned to advanced classes if they earn a 3.0 throughout the year in the corresponding seventh grade classes, and then they can remain in those classes for high school if they can maintain a 2.0 in the advanced classes.

Since middle school Algebra I is already an advanced class, I'd only need a 2.0 in order to make it into the Geometry class the following year, so that C wouldn't disqualify me. But now we must figure out whether I could get into the other advanced classes in eighth grade under COVID-92.

Possible COVID-92 Report Cards in 7th Grade

The COVID What Ifs are based on Homer Simpson's idea of crisitunity -- the pandemic is a crisis, but out of that crisis comes an opportunity. But so far, most of my stories focused on opportunity -- for example, in COVID-93, I avoid getting a C in science the fourth quarter of Science 7 since my grade would be frozen at a B once the schools close down for COVID that spring. That would then qualify me for Advanced Science 8 (which I didn't qualify for on the original timeline). And in eighth grade, I avoid getting suspended for hitting my PE teacher (due to a dare) because of distance learning, and so my grades don't drop in second quarter for missing a week of school.

And when I wrote about the COVID-96 What If? to line up with my seniors at the magnet school last year, my focus was on making the Varsity Cross Country team (because enough faster runners quit the team during the pandemic and open up the last alternate Varsity spot for me). Thus in both of those stories, I gain opportunities due to the pandemic taking place.

But the purpose of today's COVID What If? is to focus more on the crisis -- for me to empathize with my current students who are struggling in my class. Showing how my grades would have been higher under COVID isn't showing empathy. I must write about how my grades would have suffered.

And so I decide to use my TI random number generator to make up possible grades for the seventh grade under COVID-92. I believe that no matter what, I would have avoided D's and F's, and so I randomly assign an A, B, or C grade to each class. (For simplicity, we ignore pluses and minuses here.)

Here's what I came up with:

First Quarter:
1st period: C
2nd period: B
3rd period: A
4th period: C
5th period: A
6th period: C

Second Quarter:
1st period: A
2nd period: A
3rd period: A
4th period: B
5th period: B
6th period: A

Third Quarter:
1st period: A
2nd period: B
3rd period: C
4th period: B
5th period: B
6th period: A

Now let's match these up with my classes and find out in which classes I earn which grades -- and compare them to my actual grades on the original timeline.

For the first quarter, one of my C's is in fourth period Algebra I. This fits what I wrote above -- I don't turn in enough work, and since my grade is based only on homework, it drops to a C. The other two C's are in first period Art (exploratory wheel) and sixth period History 7. On the original timeline, I get a C+ in Art anyway, after having an F at the quaver progress report due to slacking off. So it's reasonable that under distance learning, I receive that very same C+. My History grade on the original timeline was a B, so it drops to a C under COVID-92. This quarter would mark the only time during K-12 that my GPA would be below 3.0, and thus I'd fail to make the honor roll.

The second quarter is my best quarter on both the original and COVID-92 timelines. In real life I earn straight A's except for a B in first period Shop (exploratory wheel). On COVID-92 I earn an A. In some ways this makes sense -- on the original timeline, I likely struggled a little with something I had to make out of wood or metal, so my grade was a B. But that difficult project would likely not be required under distance learning, and so without my project, my grade would be A. Meanwhile, after getting a C in Algebra I first quarter, I turn in enough work second quarter to get a B instead,

In third quarter, the lone C is in third period PE. I already discussed the independent study PE that I had to do on the original timeline after my suspension. I can easy see myself slacking in PE during this quarter under COVID-92 -- third quarter spans February and March, the rainy season in California, and so if it rained a lot, I'd fall behind on my required PE activity. Meanwhile, I earn an A in the first of two quarters of first period Science 7, an improvement from the B on the original timeline. I know that I was distracted a lot in real life with talking the other students, and there was a tricky dissection project during that quarter. With neither other students to distract me nor a dissection project during distance learning, getting an A in that class is now plausible.

The schools would reopen on April 1st (which was when the state encouraged schools to reopen). In 1994, April 1st was Good Friday -- not just the last day before spring break, but of the third quarter. I point out that in 2021, April 1st was Maundy Thursday and the last day before spring break as well (now that Good Friday is a school-closing holiday in that district) -- but the school reopened on that date anyway. So it's not a stretch to have the schools reopen after COVID-92 on April 1st, 1994 -- but it is awkward to have the kids attend their third quarter classes for just one day (especially since it's hybrid, with only half the school attending that one day).

And thus we'll declare April 1st to be the first day of the fourth quarter instead -- and with schools  open, my fourth quarter grades will match the original timeline. This means that I still get the C that I earned in Science 7 fourth quarter -- but due to the third quarter A, my average is 3.0 and so I still get into Advanced Science 8 under COVID-92 (as opposed to real life). Indeed, all of the other C's in core academic classes are balanced by A's in other quarters, and so I end up qualifying for advanced classes in all subjects for eighth grade. And this makes sense -- if I earned any C during distance learning, I'd be more motivated to work harder and get a A the next quarter.

So this means that this What If? still doesn't match my current freshmen's struggles. I still find a way to qualifying for all the same advanced classes as the original timeline and even sneak in an extra class, Advanced Science 8, to boot.

Before leaving this timeline, I point out that just as I avoid getting suspended in COVID-93, I also have no suspension in eighth grade of COVID-92 as well. That's because in real life, I first met the kids who dared me to hit the teacher in May of sixth grade -- by which time the schools have already been closed on the COVID-92 timeline. And in real life, I meet them again in my regular Science 8 class -- but I qualify for Advanced Science 8 under COVID-92. I'll still see those kids in PE class, of course -- but we'll be too busy playing sports for PE and will most likely avoid interaction and any double-dares.

A What If? That Matches My Students' Struggles

Again, the whole purpose of this What If? is to see how the pandemic closure -- from March of their sixth grade year to the entirety of their seventh grade year -- affected my student's learning. But I can't imagine a pandemic during my own years in Grades 6-7 -- or any other year, for that matter -- would result in my struggling with, say, slope and linear equations, as much as they are now. Math was always my strongest subject -- that's why I became a math teacher. My math grade might drop to a C because I forget to turn in work, but I'd always understand how to find slope no matter what.

This is why I often like to compare my student's math struggles to my own problems in subjects other than math. Perhaps my kids are having as much trouble in math as I had in, say, English, or History, or even science. More precisely, I should say Biology -- the physical sciences are more allied with math, and so anyone who succeeds in math should have no trouble with them. (Indeed, as you already know, I've had trouble with life science both as a student and as a teacher at the old charter school.)

But those other subjects aren't as cumulative as math is. A student who struggles in Biology (say because of a pandemic and distance learning) can still excel in Chemistry. A student who struggles in World History can still excel in US History. A student who struggles reading Romeo and Juliet one year can still excel reading Julius Caesar the following year.

There is, however, one class that is as cumulative as math. It's a subject that, if I struggle on it during a pandemic year, I really would have trouble catching up with it. And it's the only subject to which I can compare my own struggles to those of my math students.

That class is foreign language.

At the 7-12 school that I attended as a young student, eighth graders were allowed to take a high school foreign language class provided that they also qualified for Advanced English 8 -- which of course I do, on both the original and all What If? timelines. Like most schools, both Spanish I and French I were offered, and I ultimately selected French I -- but why? After all, there are many Spanish speakers here in California, and so Spanish would be much more useful than French.

It's because back in fourth grade, one of the teachers at the elementary school was a French speaker, and so she offered an introductory French class before school to advanced students in Grades 4-6. Even though it was for just once a week for one quarter of one year, I was intrigued by learning a new language, enough for me to want to learn more French four years later.

On the original timeline, I earned A's and B's throughout French I in eighth grade. But in French II and III, I consistently earned only B's in that class. At the end of my sophomore year, I was given the choice whether to continue into the next level of French -- AP French Language. I knew that the AP exam was quite demanding -- every question was written in the target language, and for the free response question I'd have to give an entire conversation in French.

And so the French teacher and I agreed that AP wasn't for me. Instead, I took French IV -- which was basically an independent study class. (The class was actually French III and IV combined -- the teacher would actively instruct the III students while checking to see how we IV students were doing.) Due to the structure of the class, it was an easy A -- which the AP class certainly would not have been.

OK, so this is all the original timeline. If we wish to make this into a COVID What If? then we must decide when to place the pandemic. Since I took French I as an eighth grader, we should place the pandemic in March of my seventh grade year. Then the year corresponding to 2020-21 would be the year of eighth grade French I.

This means that we should go right back to COVID-93 -- the What If? that I first explored two years ago at the long-term middle school. Even though the year corresponding to the present would now be my sophomore year as opposed to my kids' freshman year, it matches in that my students graduated from their K-5 schools before COVID-19, just as I graduate from K-6 before the COVID-93 closure.

What would French I look like under 1990s-style distance learning? I can see a situation where we're given long lists of French vocabulary words, and perhaps even a cassette recording in French. Then when we make our weekly visits, we must read something in French and speak to the teacher in the target language. In other words, it would have been like the AP exam every week -- and that's something that I would have definitely struggled in, as much as much as my students are in math.

Possible COVID-93 Report Cards in 8th Grade

We're throwing away the COVID-92 What If? in favor of COVID-93, so now we must figure out what my eighth grade report cards would look like under distance learning. Recall that under COVID-93, my third quarter B in Science 7 extends into fourth quarter (thus getting me into Advanced Science 8), and I avoid hitting my PE teacher -- but the focus here is on French, not science or PE.

Though I'm throwing away COVID-92, I won't let those COVID-92 report cards go to waste. We'll just use those as COVID-93 report cards and apply them to my eighth grade classes instead.

So once again, I get first quarter C's in first, fourth, and sixth period, but these are different classes. In particular, sixth period is Geometry, and first period is Science 8 (now Advanced). I might get a C in Geometry for slacking with the homework (just as I did in COVID-92), and while Science 8 is based on physical science which is more to my liking, I still get a C for the same reason as Geometry. What matters the most here is the C in fourth period French -- and that's exactly the grade I expect to get here.

Second quarter is my best quarter once again. On the original timeline, second quarter is my worst quarter, but that's mainly due to the suspension which is eliminated under COVID-92. But notice that my C's in science and math become A's second quarter, while my French grade only rises to a B. Again, this makes sense -- I work harder in French after getting a C, but I still can't memorize all the words or speak enough French to my teacher, so the grade is a B.

Third quarter is a bit tricky here. On the original timeline, the fallout from the suspension results in my switching from third to first period PE at the semester and becoming a library aide third period. In past posts, I suggest that for COVID-93, I keep third period PE and take first period Keyboarding as my extra elective. Thus the C grade here is for PE (and for the same reason as COVID-92 -- rainy weather and laziness in February and March).

Once again, the schools reopen for fourth quarter. But this time, let me run my random grade generator once more for fourth quarter rather than rely on the original timeline for the grades:

Fourth Quarter:
1st period Keyboarding: A
2nd period History: B
3rd period PE: C
4th period French: C
5th period English: C
6th period Geometry: B

And there we have it -- even though I'm back in person, I'm still having trouble with French. I fall behind earlier in the year, plus it's still hybrid, so some work at home is still needed. Notice that the grades in other class are also suffering, perhaps as stress over French class. Here it happens that the closer a class is to French, the lower the grade is.

But recall that there was also an odd/even block schedule during hybrid, so this might not have happened in real life. It might make sense to make periods 2/6 the other C's, but I don't want to give myself another C in Geometry. At any rate, the stress I feel during French class is starting to equal that my kids feel during math class.

We can extend this What If? into freshman (2021-22) and sophomore (current) years. I move from my 7-12 school to my new high school in November of my freshman year. On the original timeline I earned only A's and B's throughout high school, but in COVID-92 I continue to earn C's in French II and III. I was considering even sneaking in some D's and declare that I don't advance all the way to III, but here we'll say that I advance, just as my kids moved from middle school math to my Math I class.

Since it's still State Meet Saturday, I wonder what my Cross Country career would look like under this COVID-93 What If? I believe that there's enough time between the pandemic and my XC career that XC would match the original timeline -- unless we wish to assume that stress over my French class is so strong that it affects my ability to run. Then again, if I hear that math is affecting the ability of the athletes in my class to compete, I might change COVID-93 to reflect that.

Recall that for COVID-96, I place myself on the Varsity team as a senior. This would correspond to freshman year under COVID-93 -- but this was before I moved, so I was still at the 7-12 school. Our XC team was so small that I could see only seven total runners even being on the team, so any runner would be a Varsity runner by default. Yes, this would make me a Varsity runner, but it would be hollow, since our team was unlike to qualify even for CIF Prelims -- and I wouldn't have made even to League Finals, as that was the week when I moved to the new school.

(And that's assuming that I'd even make the XC team in COVID-93. I was only inspired to join XC when my second semester PE teacher saw me run the mile and recommended me -- but if that was third quarter and hence still distance learning, no one is there to see me run. Let's assume that I run the mile in fourth quarter after the schools reopen, and then the PE teacher recommends to the XC coach.)

Revisiting the Long-Term Sub Position

There's another way to think about what my math classes look like from my students' perspective without considering COVID What Ifs. After all, recall that the reason the COVID-93 What If? from two years ago matches today's story is that these are the same cohort of students. The seventh and eighth graders I taught during that long-term sub position are now freshmen and sophomores, the same age as my current students.

Of course, they aren't literally the same kids. The long-term subbing was in Orange County, while my current position is in LA County. Moreover, the kids from Orange County are currently attending a school that offers traditional Algebra I and Geometry, not Integrated Math I -- and back then, OC had a year of mostly hybrid while LA County was at home the entire year. Nonetheless, both groups were the same age at the time -- and so if I want to know what it's like for kids to have their school close in the middle of sixth grade, I should look at those OC kids.

Let me reblog one of my old posts from Fall 2020. This one is a Math 8 lesson (current sophomores), but it's on slope, which is a key topic in Math I as well:

In the eighth grade classes, I continued with the lesson on comparing functions. This is an introduction to the idea of slope as the rate of change, including finding slope using the rise and run on a graph.

There's no sugarcoating this one -- this lesson is a struggle. It takes the entire block period today to get through the lesson in first period. Fortunately, since students stay in first period for today, I have them attempt Quiz 3.1.5 today. Most of the students who try it need two or three attempts just to pass it by getting three out of five correct. Indeed, three students proceed to Lesson 3.2.1 on slope-intercept form even though I tell them not to (once they start it, they must finish it). Of those three, two of them get perfect scores on Quiz 3.2.5 while the other at least matched his Quiz 3.1.5 score (and this is without getting the actual lesson).

I suspect that this is because today's lesson involves graphs, which are always tricky. Of course, graphs are also related to slope-intercept form, but this is more about plugging in values to the equation y = mx + b, whereas today's rise and run questions involving inspecting the graph directly.

Recall that on Monday, the eighth grade teacher leader suggested an Edpuzzle activity and a graphing worksheet that might help the students out. I'm still trying to figure out how to assign these, so I didn't do so for first period -- but after seeing the students struggle, I might make more of an effort to set up these assignments to help fourth period practice the graphs.

On one hand, I'm hoping to get through Lesson 3.1.x today and Lesson 3.2.x on Monday, thus setting up the rest of the week for another lesson suggested by my colleagues. I don't want to give it away in today's post, but it has something to do with Halloween (and graphing lines in slope-intercept form). Of course, what matters the most is making sure the students are learning. Rushing through a difficult lesson just to get to an assignment in time for Halloween is not teaching.

So these are the students I'm teaching now -- kids who had trouble getting slope from a graph two years ago, and are still having trouble with it now. Except for those three students who rushed through the lesson and had no trouble figuring out slope-intercept form, everyone else struggled. That year, we had to come up with an extra Edpuzzle to help the students understand it.

That Halloween lesson reminds me of what I did for that holiday this year -- dive into Chapter 3 on transformations, even though we were still having problems with Chapter 2. I wonder whether in both cases, Halloween lessons were set up based on the belief that we'd be further in the text, but once we slowed down due to students' lack of understanding, we had to jump over material just to reach the Halloween lesson by Halloween.

Here's a slightly later Math 8 lesson on solving two-step equations, just before Thanksgiving break:

Well, in the eighth grade class, I attempt to go over some more two-step equations after singing the "Solve It" song for music break. But unfortunately, we do only two more equations.

The problem I have today is with the third quaver progress reports. I completed them on Aeries over the weekend, but the actual deadline for submitting them is noon today. And so I tell the students that they should make up any missing work by noon today in order to raise their grade from a D or F in order to avoid getting a progress report.

There are many more students getting progress reports in eighth than in seventh grade -- and this is true for several reasons. Much of it is because of APEX -- in order to advance to the next quiz, APEX is set up to require eighth graders to earn a score of 60%, but seventh graders must earn at least 70%. And since most quizzes have only five questions, "at least 70%" really means 4/5 or 80%. I force the seventh graders to keep retaking the quizzes and tests until they pass them.

Thus it's impossible for seventh graders to earn less than 70% if they pass the test -- and it's impossible for them to earn more than 59% unless they pass it. Therefore there are no seventh graders with D's -- and only two students in each period missed the test and have F's.

On the other hand, more eighth graders get D's on all the quizzes and the test, and so there are eighth graders with D's, in addition to the ones who missed the test and have F's. And the cohort with the most progress reports is today's first period class -- and it also happens to be the last full class meeting before the noon deadline.

And so I spend the entire time after music break checking and resetting APEX tests. This is for students who missed the test as well as those with D's who wish for me to reset the tests in APEX. I'm glad that many of them are able to raise their grades to C's today.

Once again, we recognize many problems from this class creeping up in my current classes -- a lesson is ruined because most of the students are doing quiz corrections, right when grades are due.

And just after Thanksgiving break, I tried teaching this same lesson to the seventh graders:

Since it's Tuesday, this is a seventh grade post. The title of this post is "Solving Two-Step Equations," but in reality, today wasn't anywhere nearly as simple as doing the Texas two-step.

For starters, we had to squeeze in the Performance Task portion of the Benchmarks today. So once again, it's a balancing act between giving the Benchmarks and teaching the new lesson on APEX.

In the end, I decided to go 30-40-30 for consistency. That is, the first half-hour of class is for last-minute review to make sure that the students understand what they are to do on the Benchmarks. Then the middle 40 minutes of class are for the Benchmarks proper. The last half-hour of class is the time into which I must squeeze the entire APEX lesson. (In Canvas, the test is set to unlock and relock at these particular times.)

You might think that 30 minutes would be enough time to show the students two-step equations -- especially considering that I already introduced two-step equations a few weeks ago in order to prepare them for the multiple choice Benchmarks. But the problem is that the APEX Lesson 4.3.1 isn't just about two-step equations. First, it discusses how to convert real-world phrases into math (the usual "total," "ten less than," and all that). Second, problems are solved by working backwards rather than traditional algebraic manipulation of equations. Third, two-step equations are actually solved. And finally, equations of the form p(x + q) = r are solved by first dividing by p, not by distributing p.

Time is wasted when APEX decides to slow down -- for some reason, at certain times it doesn't let me advance to the next page of the lesson. Then I almost tore my hair out trying to decide which parts of the lesson to cover and which parts to throw out.

Of course, I'll fix these problems and improve the lesson throughout the week. But this isn't necessarily fair to the Tuesday cohort. They always get the short end of the stick with an unpolished lesson as I figure out the best things to teach as the week proceeds. I suppose that even before the pandemic, this has always been a problem with secondary teachers -- first period gets the rough version of the lesson, while the last class gets the polished version as teachers adjust throughout the day. (To this end, period rotations are useful because the same group of students isn't always first.)

And indeed, I'm still trying to figure out what to teach tomorrow. The last section of the lesson, on solving p(x + q) = r, will certainly be thrown out. (By the way, the APEX method is influenced by the way it appears in the Common Core Standards.) But then the department head tells me that I should replace this with solving equations px = r where p is a fraction -- this isn't adequately covered by APEX at all. And so there's still lots for me to cover. One way to save some time will be to have the students fill out the chart for the first part (listing all the addition phrases, subtraction, etc.) as they individually finish the test.

Now we see another lesson that the students struggle with -- and once again, it's because they're something else going on that day, namely District Benchmarks. We also see our online text that year, APEX, trying to squeeze everything and anything into a single lesson. I notice that our current CPM text sometimes puts too much material in a single lesson too.

The important thing to notice is that my students are struggling the way I taught them back then -- and this same year-group of students is still having trouble with my teaching methods. After having placed myself in my students' shoes, I can see that I need to adjust the way I teach, as soon as possible.

The Eight-Period Block Schedule

One thing I've noticed lately about some of the local high schools is that a number of them are starting to adopt an eight period day. In particular, both of the secondary schools that I attended as a young student now have eight periods, as well as a school I subbed at during the earliest years of the blog. But what exactly is that eighth period used for?

First of all, let's revisit what block schedules look like at most high schools. I once wrote that if a school were to convert a six-period day naively to a block schedule, each block would be two hours -- and that's too long for most students and teachers. Thus most schools add something else to the schedule in order to avoid two-hour blocks. For example, the high school I attended used to have a seventh period that met each and every day. Athletes would have seventh period sports, while most other students would attend one of their other classes for Tutorial. The school where I worked last year did the same thing, except the class that met all days was zero period Advisory. Mondays were all-classes days.

My current high school has four blocks meeting on each block day, with each block at 90 minutes. As there are six periods, there are three block days, with each period meeting two blocks per week. Then the remaining two days (Monday and Friday) are all-classes days.

Thus the eight-period day looks like my current four-block schedule, except that odd periods meet on one block day and even periods meet on the other day.

But most students have only six classes, occasionally seven. So for the extra period, most students end up doing -- nothing. They are "unscheduled" for that period. Most unscheduled periods are either first, second, seventh, or eighth periods -- that is, the first or last block of the day. Then those with Period 1 or 2 unscheduled don't need to arrive at school until Period 3 or 4, and those with Period 7 or 8 unscheduled can leave after Period 5 or 6. From the teacher's perspective, each teacher would have six classes, with two conference periods. Usually one prep period would be odd and the other even so that three classes are taught per day. Also, at least one prep period would usually be 1/2/7/8 since fewer students are scheduled these periods.

Notice that the eight-period day has nothing to do with the COVID What Ifs. I added a block schedule to the COVID-93 (and earlier) What If? because the block schedule simplifies the hybrid plan. But I don't blindly add eight periods to any What If? because the pandemic has nothing to do with adoption of the eight-period day. Still, it might be instructive to look at what my own schedule as a young student would have looked like if the eight-period day had existed back then. 

First of all, I was a Cross Country athlete. Most coaches like to have practice on all days, and so sports are usually scheduled for both seventh and eighth periods. Thus my schedule would have looked not much different from that on the original timeline, with my "period 1-6 + 7th period sports" being replaced with "period 1-6 + 7th/8th period sports." The only change is that when I was in Grades 9-10, I had a fourth period "sports tutorial" to replace seventh period tutorial. On the eight-period day, most likely my second period class would be moved to fourth, and then I'd have second period unscheduled.

Another thing about the eight-period schedule is that there are no all-classes days. For one thing, with eight periods, each period would be short. Moreover, if all periods 1-8 were to met in order, then someone (like me with my hypothetical schedule above) would have to attend first period, and then have nothing to do during the unscheduled second period. Unscheduled seventh would also cause problems on all-classes days, with nothing to do while waiting for eighth period.

Thus eight periods result in a pure block schedule -- all five days of the week are block days. There is no longer any connection between day of the week and the schedule -- students must check the schedule to find out whether odd or even periods meet that day. (In my hypothetical scenario, I'd have to know whether to wake up for first period or sleep in until fourth period.)

Rapoport Question of the Day

Today on her Daily Epsilon of Math 2022, Rebecca Rapoport writes:

2^(2x - 5) 4^(3x - 4) = 8^(2x + 13)

To solve this, we might take the base-2 logarithm of both sides (here abbreviated "lg"):

lg(2)(2x - 5) + lg(4)(3x - 4) = lg(8)(2x + 13)
2x - 5 + 2(3x - 4) = 3(2x + 13)

Recall that my Math III students will be learning about logs next week in Chapter 5. But it will be only an intro to logs -- they won't be using logs to solve any equations until the next chapter.

Ironically, it could be my Math I students who will solve this equation in December. That last section of Chapter 3, Section 3.3, is on solving complex equations of this types. Of course, they won't be using logs to solve it -- instead they'll use the Laws of Exponents to rewrite both sides as a power of 2, and then set the exponents equal to each other. After doing this they'll reach the same equation as before:

2x - 5 + 2(3x - 4) = 3(2x + 13)

This is a linear equation that is solvable in Math I. Notice that it's an equation that requires all five verses of the "Solve It" song to sing, or all five parts of the "Don't call me after midnight" mnemonic:

2x - 5 + 2(3x - 4) = 3(2x + 13)
2x - 5 + 6x - 8 = 6x + 39 ("Don't" = distribute)
8x - 13 = 6x + 39 ("call" = combine like terms)
2x - 13 = 39 ("me" = move the variable)
2x = 52 ("after" = add/subtract)
x = 26 ("midnight" = multiply/divide)

Therefore the desired solution is 26 -- and of course, today's date is the 26th. Of course, I'm really hoping that Math I won't get to Section 3.3 at all since this Math III equation has no business being taught in Math I. (But I'll have to teach it if it appears on a Chapter 3 Test or final exam.)

Meanwhile, tomorrow's Rapoport question is also related to logs. It's simpler, so we might be able to solve it in the current Math III chapter:

If y = -log_3((log_8 2)^3), what is 3^y?

As usual, we should work from the innermost parentheses outwards:

y = -log_3((log_8 2)^3)
y = -log_3((1/3)^3)
y = -log_3(1/27)
y = -(-3)
y = 3
3^y = 27

It's possible to skip a few steps -- here -log_3(1/27) can be transformed to log_3(27) if we remember what it means for a log to be negative. Then since y = log_3(27), 3^y must be 3^log_3(27), and since the exponential and log are inverses each other, we're left with just 27. In either case, the correct answer is 27 -- and of course, tomorrow's date is the 27th.

Yes, tomorrow is the 27th, and the next day is the 28th -- back to school after a long vacation, which is always tough. My next post will be the day after that -- the 29th, a Tuesday.


I was thinking back to COVID-93 again and my decision to take French as my foreign language. As difficult as learning a language is, I knew that I needed it in order to get into college. And I enjoy learning about languages -- it's just not easy to do so.

There was once a girl who lived next door to me. I recognized her from some of my classes, but we rarely interacted with each other. But during the lonely isolation of COVID-93, I could easily see us speaking to each other on those long days when there was nothing else to do.

And one of the things we might have discussed is our upcoming schedules for eighth grade. I might even have asked her for advice on what language to take -- and if I had done so, she almost certainly would have recommended Spanish. After all, she was of Hispanic descent, and most likely spoke Spanish herself -- if not, she'd have a relative who spoke the language. So of course she'd suggest Spanish as the language worth learning.

And if I'd taken her advice and chosen Spanish, I would've had the benefit having a Spanish speaker living next door -- someone who might have helped me learn that same language during 1990s-style distance learning. While I doubt that receiving help from a fellow teenager would have raised me all the way from a C to an A, perhaps I'd at least gotten a B just by talking to her in Spanish. And that would have given me confidence to take Spanish II and III in subsequent years.

I've stated that I've been having problems communicating with my students lately. Part of the problem might be the language barrier -- Hispanics are in the majority, with many Spanish speakers. In fact, on Friday during the Hero Quiz when I asked about project suggestions, one guy asked whether I was Hispanic/a native Spanish speaker. The implication, of course, is that if I could have given some of the directions in Spanish, he and the others might have understood the project better.

So perhaps I could extend the COVID-93 What If? all the way to the present day -- today, nearly thirty years after the pandemic, my students won't have survived a pandemic as I did. But they will speak Spanish to me -- and having decided during COVID-93 to learn Spanish, a more useful language of French, I'll be back to reply to them in Spanish. And that will improve our communication.

But alas, that's the world of What If? In the real world, I must imagine ways to incorporate Spanish into my daily lessons -- either by learning a few words today or using Google Translate on the lessons. And meanwhile, I will get ready to make my annual viewing of McFarland USA -- a movie that's all about Californian students of Mexican descent who do speak Spanish throughout the film.

I suspect that the real Coach White ultimately learned some Spanish in order to communicate with his runners more effectively. And if Coach White learned the language, then so can I. It won't be easy to learn a new language, but it's definitely worth the effort.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Floyd Thursby Day: Previewing Chapter 3

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Math III Chapter 5 Test
3. Geometry in Math I Chapter 3 and Beyond
4. A Complete Lesson Plan
5. The Problems With Tech 55
6. More on Checking for Understanding
7. The Next Three Weeks in Math I
8. Rapoport Question of the Day
9. NOVA: Zero and Infinity
10. Conclusion


In past years on the blog, I would label my first Thanksgiving break post as "Floyd Thursby Day," but what does this mean? Well, Floyd Thursby Day is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. The name refers to a certain traditionalist commenter who would go on websites and complain that too many teachers take the day off and call for a sub on Tuesday -- the last day of school before the holiday in his district.

But, that name is outdated. A Google search for Floyd Thursby and "Tuesday before Thanksgiving" leads mainly to this blog -- it's been so long since he's posted that his old comments no longer appear in any search results. And it's obvious that "Floyd Thursby" is a pseudonym -- the name refers to a certain character in The Maltese Falcon. So maybe I should stop calling this day "Floyd Thursby Day."

Perhaps a better name for today is "Thanksgiving Adam" -- the day before "Thanksgiving Eve" (as we've seen before with "Christmas Adam"). In recent years, I've also seen the name "Friendsgiving," referring to a meal eaten with friends on or just before Turkey Day. Even one of my favorite game shows, The Price Is Right, is scheduled to have a Friendsgiving episode tomorrow.

It's often believed that "Friendsgiving" comes from the TV show Friends, just as "Festivus" (the same as Christmas Adam) comes from the contemporary show Seinfeld. But the true origin is unknown -- and besides, many TV shows have a group a friends meeting and eating in late November. Perhaps the first Friendsgiving meal on TV consists of the toast, popcorn, and jellybeans eaten on The Peanuts.

Anyway, in today's post I wish to preview Chapter 3 of the CPM text for Integrated Math I. That's because this chapter covers a topic that's near and dear to my heart, ever since I started to blog. Chapter 3 is a Geometry chapter, and it specifically covers transformations -- you know, as in translations, reflections, and rotations.

Math III Chapter 5 Test

As much as I really want to get to the upcoming Math I lessons, I promised that I'd write the Chapter 5 Test for the Math III class -- and that I'd write the test before doing any blogging this week. Well, I did finish writing and uploading the test, so let me describe a little about the test right here. This chapter, by the way, is on inverses and logarithms.

First, I was instructed to write a test with two parts -- a paper section and a DeltaMath section. You might recall that last year at the old magnet school, I attempted to write several Calculus tests with both written and online sections, but only once did I pull it off successfully. Anyway, this year, nearly all of our Math III tests will contain two sections.

And according to my instructions, the DeltaMath section should have ten questions, while the paper section should have three questions, with multiple parts each. Indeed, at least one of the questions should require a rubric to grade -- a continuation of the problem I discussed in my last post, where students must evaluate each other's answers and attempt to grade them via a similar rubric.

The DeltaMath section is the easiest to write -- just set up the topics, and then DeltaMath will assign each student a different problem on test day. Here are the ten topics that I chose:

  1. Multi-step Function Inverses (Level 1)
  2. Multi-step Function Inverses (Level 2)
  3. Multi-step Function Inverses (Level 3)
  4. Multi-step Inverses w/Logs (Level 4)
  5. Multi-step Inverses w/Logs (Level 4)
  6. Inverse of Various Functions (M.C.)
  7. Identifying Inverses Graphically
  8. Evaluate Logarithms (Level 1)
  9. Evaluate Logarithms (Level 3)
  10. Features of Exponential and Log Functions

The trickier task is for me, of course, is to write the paper exam. The key is that the paper exam should assess topics that aren't covered well (or at all) on DeltaMath.

For the first question, I have the students find the inverse of a certain function, not by interchanging x and y (as DeltaMath emphasizes) but by writing out and reversing the steps in the reverse order. I often think of this as the "socks and shoes" or "wrapping and unwrapping" method. Moreover, the function I chose is a quadratic (written in vertex form) which requires that the domain be restricted in order to find the inverse. The polynomials on DeltaMath are all of odd degree and are invertible without any need to restrict the domain.

The second question involves finding the inverse of exponential and logarithmic functions. It has two parts, one for each type of function. For this question, any method can be used to find their inverse, including x-y interchange.

The third question involves finding some simple logs without a calculator (based on their knowledge of powers of ten for common logs, and perfect powers up to 5^3 = 125). Since no calculator is needed, it's best to put this on a paper test (as opposed to DeltaMath, where anyone could just open up a second tab for Google Calculator).

I'm the one writing this test for my own students and the rest of the Math III cohort. So I hope that my own students are successful on this test.

Geometry in Math I Chapter 3 and Beyond

As I wrote earlier, I've been waiting for years to teach a high school Geometry course -- and then when I finally get to a Geometry chapter, it ends up getting squeezed. Chapter 3 is supposed to be one of the three chapters we cover this semester, but the other Math I teachers keep saying "let's spend an extra week in Chapter 1 (or 2)," which then takes time away from Chapter 3.

At times like these, sometimes I wish we still had traditional Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II rather than Integrated Math. But then again, if we were still traditional, I'd most likely be teaching the freshman and junior classes -- that is, Algebra I and II (just as I did back when I was a student teacher) with no Geometry at all. Thus it's only because of Integrated Math that I'm teaching any Geometry this year.

Still, it's worth it to compare the material coming up in Chapter 3 of the CPM text to the Geometry in the text that I discussed during the earliest years of this blog -- the U of Chicago text. Since I already mentioned transformations, you may think that CPM Chapter 3 corresponds to Chapters 4 (reflections) and 6 (other transformations) of the U of Chicago text. Well, let's look at CPM Chapter 3 in detail:

3.1.1 Spatial Visualization and Reflections
3.1.2 Rotations and Translations
3.1.3 Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
3.1.4. Defining Isometries
3.1.5 Using Transformations to Create Polygons
3.1.6 Symmetry
3.2.1 Modeling Area and Perimeter with Algebra Tiles
3.2.2 Exploring an Area Model
3.2.3 Multiplying Polynomials and the Distributive Property
3.3.1 Multiple Methods for Solving Equations
3.3.2 Fraction Busters
3.3.3 Solving Exponential and Complex Equations

So as you can see, this isn't a pure Geometry chapter, but is truly Integrated. Only Lesson 3.1 can be fully considered Geometry. In Lesson 3.2, we transition from area and perimeter Geometry (Chapter 8, if we're still comparing to the U of Chicago text) to polynomials in Algebra. By the time we get to Lesson 3.3., I'm wondering whether this even belongs in a Math I text -- after all, 3.3.3 mentions solving exponential equations -- but notice that we're currently working on exponentials in Chapter 5 of the Math III text (as mentioned above)! Of course, the difference is that 3.3.3 doesn't expect us to use logarithms to solve the equations -- instead, we do so by inspection and equating exponents.

Indeed, the leader of the Math I curriculum team tells us that it's OK to push back Chapter 3 to after Thanksgiving, since only Lesson 3.1 on transformations is important for Math I. So my goal is to cover 3.1.1 through 3.1.3 the week we get back and 3.1.4 through 3.1.6 the following week, and only skip to Lessons 3.2 or 3.3 if someone tells me that material from these lessons will appear on some sort of Chapter 3 Test or final exam.

Believe it or not, some material from this chapter appeared on the District Benchmark Test. The lead teacher's original pacing guide had the Chapter 2 Test ending the week of October 24th, then a single transformations lesson -- a Halloween Transformations worksheet -- before giving the Benchmarks during the November 1st-2nd block.

Instead, not only did we take longer to finish Chapter 2, but we were required to give the Benchmarks a week earlier than expected. I still gave the worksheet on Halloween -- thinking that we were just days away from starting Chapter 3 so that the worksheet could serve as a preview. (Halloween was a Monday and hence a non-blogging day.) Then we kept delaying the start of Chapter 3 by inserting a midterm and extra Chapter 2 project.

There were three transformations questions on the benchmarks -- one question each on translations, reflections, and rotations. My students did well on the translation and reflection questions but struggled on the rotations. They likely remember a little about transformations from their Math 8 classes.

Indeed, only once have I taught transformations before -- in Math 8 at the old charter school. Back then, rotations were the most difficult for my eighth graders as well. (At my long-term school, the regular teacher returned before Math 8 reached the Geometry chapters.)

There are two more Geometry chapters coming up in the Math I text. Chapter 7 is on Congruence and Coordinate Geometry, and Chapter 11 is on Constructions and Closure.

And of course, there's plenty of Geometry coming up for the students next year in Math II. Indeed, about a month ago I had to cover a Math II class during my conference period (since in our district, most subs must work at elementary schools). The students had a DeltaMath assignment to work on that day, but I could easily see triangles on their screens.

(As usual, most teachers are out on Mondays and Fridays, and so most days when I must cover classes will be non-blogging days. As for last Friday -- our Floyd Thursby Day -- there were indeed a number of teachers out, but somehow I managed to avoid being called upon to cover one of their classes.)

A Complete Lesson Plan

Since I've been looking forward to teaching Geometry for so long, I'm really hoping that Chapter 3 will be successful for my students. But as I mentioned last week, a number of Math I classes haven't gone well lately, culminating in a disastrous Linear Art project. There's no way I want my Chapter 3 lessons to go as poorly as my Chapter 2 lessons.

Back when I was student teaching -- or, more precisely, when I was working as part of the special BTSA program for unemployed teachers (as explained years ago on the blog) -- my master teacher mentioned the ten parts of any successful lesson:

  1. Anticipatory Set
  2. Objective
  3. Purpose
  4. Input
  5. Modeling
  6. Checking for Understanding
  7. Guided Practice
  8. Independent Practice
  9. Homework
  10. Closure
She stressed that the most important part of any lesson is step 6, Checking for Understanding. There's no reason for me to teach at all if I don't know whether my student understand what I'm telling them.

Of course, back when she was teaching, this was before Desmos activities, tests that are half paper and half DeltaMath, and other new uses of technology. My challenge is to figure out where exactly Desmos and DeltaMath fit above so that there's enough time for the important Checking for Understanding.

Actually, DeltaMath is easy to figure out -- it is Homework, maybe Independent Practice. What's tricky is to figure out where Desmos belongs in the lesson plan.

Some Desmos activities introduce students to a new topic. In this case, Desmos serves as Anticipatory Set, with Objective and Purpose thrown in there. The problem is that sometimes my Desmos activities end up spanning the entire period. We might get to one example of the new material (Input and Modeling), but not much Checking for Understanding (especially if Desmos is on a Monday rather than a block day).

In last week's project, the students had to find equations for lines given two points, and so it's dependent on the success of the two points lesson. But finding a equation given two points is itself a two-step process -- first students must find the slope, and then they must use that slope and either of the two points to find an equation. Thus the previous lessons on slope and point-slope must also have gone well in order for the project to be successful.

I still remember the two points lesson, given just before Halloween. In sixth period, I started the Desmos lesson for two points. But then a few students wanted to know the purpose of this lesson -- after all, Desmos showed the graph of the lines for them on the screen, so they could just count squares on the grid to find the slope (instead of using the slope formula) and see where they cross the y-axis (instead of plugging into y = mx + b), and so the lengthy algebraic process was a waste of time. This led to yet another one of my recent heated arguments. (It goes without saying that this was on a Thursday, the day when most of my arguments occur.)

The problem, of course, was that my students still didn't understand how to find slope, so of course they'd be frustrated with a more difficult problem involving slope. And looking further back at the slope lesson, it also began with a lengthy Desmos activity with very little Checking for Understanding.

The Problems With Tech 55

One possible reason that my students are struggling is that they might be distracted with phone use during my lessons. If the students were staring at phones during the slope lesson, then of course they won't learn anything.

And indeed, on the first day of the project, some groups didn't draw anything at all -- instead, they took out phones and spent 100% of the period on entertainment. They might have been thinking, "I don't know what it means to draw a line with a fractional slope, so I just won't do anything."

So that's why I declared it to be Tech 55 -- put all phones away. Recall that "Tech 55" here refers to "Technology 1955" -- in other words, don't use technology that didn't exist when the 1955 generation attended school. But, as I found out, this didn't help -- even the students who obeyed Tech 55 still had trouble calculating slopes and just sat there waiting for me to tell them what the slope is.

Of course, it's likely that they did have phones out during the slope lesson. But I couldn't have declared Tech 55 during the slope lesson, because it was on Desmos, which didn't exist in 1955. The students needed to have their Chromebooks out to access Desmos.

Of course, I could have chosen a different year other than 1955 in my tech declaration. In 1999, for example, cellphones existed but not smartphones, so I could try "Tech 99" and say that all phones must be put away unless they're '90s-style phones that can't fit in your pocket. But if I were to say that, a savvy student would argue that Chromebooks didn't exist back then either -- yes, laptops did, but a Chromebook isn't a '90s-style laptop. The iPhone came out a few years before the first Chromebook, and so no single year can encapsulate what I really want -- Chromebooks out, smartphones away.

When I first came up with "Tech 55," I didn't realize how dependent regular lessons would be on Desmos and DeltaMath. As I wrote before, the reason for so much technology is to benefit students who must stay home for two weeks after testing positive for COVID -- they still need a way to access their lessons when they're stuck at home. But what it means is that "Tech 55" won't work.

The official rules at most schools usually state that all phones must be put away unless they're being specifically used for class -- in other words, the default position is that phones must be away, except for those very few times when they are used for the lesson. But for too many students, the default position is that phones are allowed except for those very few times when they must be put away -- which is why a counterargument to "put your phones away" is "But I already finished my work!" (when according to the official rules, "because I'm done" is exactly why the phones should not be out).

I actually have no problem when phones being out after the students are done (except for district or state tests where they must stay away) -- it reminds students that the math comes first before there can be technology. But they really must have completed the work first.

Looking at the lesson plan outline above, perhaps phones should stay away through Modeling. Yes, Checking for Understanding is the most important step. But having no phones out until after Checking might result in one student telling everyone else the answer so that phones will be allowed faster -- and that's exactly what I don't want. So I should let them take their phones out at Checking time -- the ones who understand will do the work even with phones out, and the ones who don't will just use their phones, signaling to me that they don't understand.

More on Checking for Understanding

So what exactly should Checking for Understanding look like in a Desmos/DeltaMath world? Once again, it all depends on the lesson.

First of all, Desmos should only take place on block days. But this is tricky, because often the pacing guide will place a lesson with Desmos on a Monday -- and I can't delay it to the Tuesday/Wednesday block because there's another lesson to be taught that day. So I should look at the pacing guide in advance and figure out whether I can rearrange the lessons so that Desmos falls on a block day.

If the Desmos lesson takes the place of the Anticipatory Set and the next few steps, then Checking for Understanding will be separate from Desmos. So I should have the students take out their notebooks and start doing some practice problems.

I keep going back to the slope lesson, since that's where it all began to go wrong. The Desmos lesson I did that day started out with the four types of slope (positive, negative, zero, undefined), then gave two examples on the slope formula -- and then it jumped to Marbleslides.

In hindsight, that's clearly not going to cut it as far as Checking for Understanding is concerned. While the Desmos does Check for Understanding for identifying positive/negative slope, it doesn't Check for the slope formula.

At this point, I should have had the students take out their notebooks, given them a few random slope problems, and had them start working on them. Keep asking more and more slope problems until I can assert that at least two-thirds of the students know how to do two-thirds of the problem. They might make common errors such as putting x and y in the wrong place or confusing the minus signs -- but I'd much rather them make those errors than see a slope and ignore it with "I don't know the first step" when they get to the project.

Sometimes the dry-erase boards that I mentioned last week can be used for Checking. Some teachers also have quick Checks such as "thumbs up if you agree" -- but my students aren't accustomed to such Checks and will ignore me if I tell them to use their thumbs.

The Next Three Weeks in Math I

Now that I know what an effective lesson looks like, let's apply it to the upcoming Geometry lessons in Math III to figure out how I'll teach them. The first week will be Lessons 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and then perhaps some sort of quiz on Friday.

Lesson 3.1.1 introduces reflections. There is no Desmos for this lesson (good, since it's a Monday) -- instead, there's a worksheet based on problems from the text. The students are asked to reflect polygons over a horizontal, vertical, and diagonal line (slope 1), without coordinates. Then there are T-tables such that the coordinates can be labeled, and the rules for reflecting over the axes and y = x discovered. The only concern here is whether there are enough examples on the worksheet to Check for Understanding.

One interesting thing about Lesson 3.1.2 is -- like Lessons 6.2.and 6.3 of the U of Chicago text, but unlike many other Geometry texts -- rotations and translations are originally introduced as composites of reflections. This lesson begins with a Desmos activity, "Transformation Golf" -- and this should immediately bring to mind Lesson 6.4 of the U of Chicago text, on miniature golf. But the two golf games aren't identical. The U of Chicago version has only reflections, but on Desmos, all three transformations are available to move the "ball" (actually a L tetromino) into the "hole." Since there is a Desmos here, the notebook should be used to Check for Understanding of transformations.

Lesson 3.1.3 is the lesson I'm worried the most about. It's on slope -- and as we've seen, my students are really struggling to understand slope. The slope formulas for parallel/perpendicular lines are derived on a worksheet -- recall that these derivations are now emphasized in the Common Core Standards. At least only point-slope (not two points) appear on the worksheet. With no Desmos on this block day, it might be a good day to get out the dry erase boards -- both to derive the perpendicular formula (where rotating the dry erase board 90 degrees will help) and to get more practice with slope. Once again, there will be some sort of quiz on Friday.

The other lessons are straightforward. Lesson 3.1.4 is a worksheet where coordinate planes are brought back for translations and rotations. Both 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 have Desmos lessons landing on block days -- 3.1.5 has a Polygraph and 3.1.6 has more tetrominos that are transformed in order to play Tetris. Once again, the end of the semester is dependent on what will be included on the final exam -- so it's possible that we might not make it all the way to 3.1.6.

Again, Lesson 3.1 of the CPM text corresponds to Chapter 4 and 6.1-6.4 of the U of Chicago text. We will pick up Lesson 6.5 of U of Chicago when we reach Chapter 7 in CPM.

Rapoport Question of the Day

It's been some time since we looked at the Rapoport calendar -- it's often difficult for me to discuss it on school days. Anyway, on her Daily Epsilon of Mathematics 2022, Rebecca Rapoport writes:

What is the maximum number of regions into which 6 lines can divide the plane?

I've seen this problem and so I know the answer, but not its complete proof. After checking out the relevant Twitter thread, I see the following strategy based on induction:

The initial case is = 0 -- with no lines, there is only one region, the entire plane itself.

Now we consider the induction case from n - 1 to n -- that is, the nth line is added. To maximize the number of new regions, the nth line should intersect all of the previous n - 1 lines. The intersection of each of those lines is a point -- and these points can divide the line into n sections (two of which are rays -- one on each end -- and n - 2 segments between the n - 1 points).

Thus the nth line can pass through at most n previously formed regions (one for each line section), thus dividing them to form n new sections (that is, the n old sections become 2n new sections, but the net gain is only n).

So the maximum number of sections after the nth line must be 1 + 1 + 2 + ... + n -- that is, it's one more than the nth triangular number (assuming this maximum is achievable, which isn't exactly obvious when you try to draw them). The sixth triangular number is 21, so therefore the maximum number of regions with six lines is 22 -- and of course, today's date is the 22nd.

NOVA: Zero and Infinity

Earlier today, I caught a rerun of the NOVA episode that I missed last week. While I'm trying to get away from long descriptions of books I'm reading or shows that I'm watching, I still want to give a summary of this episode -- focusing on the mathematicians who appear on the show.

"Zero and Infinity" opens with an attempt to communicate with hypothetical Martians about how Earth Time works. Then our host introduces herself as Talithia Williams, a math professor and statistician from Harvey Mudd College right here in Southern California. I've heard of Williams before -- she also has a Great Courses DVD on statistics, similar to the Michael Starbird video I showed my Calculus class last year. As one of the few black female statisticians I know of, I was considering ordering her DVD and playing it for my Ethnostats class last year. (Even though her lectures focused on the software "R" which we weren't using in that class, just seeing a minority woman involved in Stats would have been great for those students).

Williams tells us that one of the first cultures to develop the number zero was in India, perhaps almost two thousand years ago. Here she interviews Manjul Bhargava, a Princeton mathematician of South Asian descent. He explains that the original zero -- a dot -- originated as a linguistic symbol similar to a modern apostrophe, and then it became a musical rest before turning into the number zero. The seventh century mathematician Brahmagupta discovered some of the properties of zero -- adding, multiplying, and even subtracting from zero to develop the forerunner of negative numbers.

The host proceeds to interview Waleed El-Ansary of the Hispanic Society of America. He discusses how Indian mathematics were expanded upon by the Muslims about a thousand years ago. The ninth century mathematician al-Khwarizmi -- who created Algebra, for whom algorithms are named -- used zero in his writings. Slowly, algorithms began to replace the abacus as the main tool for doing various types of calculations, and Hindu-Arabic numbers, including zero, would supplant Roman numerals (after Fibonacci introduced them to Europe in the early 13th century).

Williams now discusses Zeno's paradox of the arrow as a transition from the concept of zero to the concept of infinity. She interviews Eric Bennett, a Paralympian archer, in the Arizona desert. He shoots an arrow with his single arm and points out that at every instant, the arrow is not moving, and yet the arrow is moving. The paradox is caused by a division by zero error, and it's resolved by considering limits to infinity. (Michael Starbird mentions this paradox in his lectures, and I tried to demonstrate it in last year's Calculus class by using a pencil for an arrow and moving it closer and closer to one of my students -- without actually reaching him, of course.)

The host proceeds to interview Stephen Gogatz, a Cornell professor, at the Museum of Math (MoMath) in New York City. He talks about infinity and how the rigorous consideration of infinity leads to the development of Calculus. Also, he divides a pizza into infinitely many slices in order to derive the formula for the area of a circle (which we've discussed on the blog before).

Recall that a few years ago, I read "Beyond Infinity" -- the second book written by Eugenia Cheng. And who's a better choice to speak with Williams regarding the infinite than Cheng herself? Unlike the other guests who meet on a college campus, the two lady mathematicians meet at "Hilbert's Hotel" -- the infinite hotel where even if it's full, one, two, or even infinitely many guests can be accommodated, as Cheng explains in her book. She also talks about Cantor's diagonal argument and how there are many more real numbers than integers (even though there are just as many rational numbers as integers).

By the way, Cheng released her fifth adult book about a month ago. Titled "The Joy of Abstraction," it expands upon the category theory that she introduced in her first book, "Baking Pi." I haven't seen it at any local library yet -- as soon as I do, I'll mention it on the blog.

(Oh, and I just happened to find the old book where I first learned about infinity -- a math text by Joseph Breuer that my high school gave away for free when I was a young student there. I decided to reread the book in anticipation of watching this NOVA episode.)

And I look forward to seeing more from Talithia Williams as well. I still might get her Great Courses DVD one of these days, even though I'm no longer teaching Ethnostats (or any Stats for that matter).


In Chapter 5 of the CPM Math III text, there is an "Ancient Puzzle" given there. The text states that the puzzle originated in India in the second century BC (thus making it older than the number zero) and it was solved by Muslim mathematicians about 700 years ago (sorry, al-Khwarizmi -- you missed solving this one by a few centuries).

The text gives the puzzle in modern notation, using the symbol "log." That's right -- the puzzle is all about the discovery of the logarithm.

While Math III never had a project go awry the way the Linear Art project did in Math I, some of the same issues regarding my teaching have come up in this class too. Logs are a difficult topic at this level, and so it will be more important than ever for me to Check for Understanding throughout.

Reducing and eliminating arguments is my biggest communication issue right now, but Checking for Understanding is my biggest academic issue. And the two aren't unrelated -- when my students understand the material, there are less likely to be arguments about having to do the work.

I have one Thanksgiving break post forthcoming. I wish everyone a happy Floyd Thursby Day -- or Friendsgiving, or how about Fibonacci Eve, since tomorrow is Fibonacci Day, 11/23.