Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Chapter 1 Review, Continued (Days 30-33)


First Verse:
Parent graph? That's square root.
Orientation? Up to you.
Shift left four, then up one.
Stretch factor? Stretch by two.


Second Verse:
Parent graph? Hyperbola.
Orientation? Let's get down.
Shift right three, then down two.
Stretch factor? None to be found.
(to Chorus)

This is the fifth song that I'm writing in 10EDL, our main scale for September and October. The next few 10EDL songs will be written in ABAB format, with verses and a chorus.

Progress in the Math I text has stalled, as we're stuck in the section on functions, domain, and range until we get past the group test. So I decided to write a song for Math III instead. This chapter is on parent graphs and transformations. The verses refer to f (x) = 2sqrt(x + 4) + 1 and g(x) = -1/(x - 3) - 2.

Here's a link to the Mocha code for the song:

10 N=8
20 FOR V=1 TO 2
30 FOR X=1 TO 36
50 SOUND 261-N*A,T
90 END
100 DATA 7,4,5,4,7,8,10,6,8,6,5,4
110 DATA 7,4,5,4,7,8,10,6,8,6,5,4
120 DATA 7,4,5,4,7,8,10,6,8,6,5,4
130 DATA 7,4,5,4,7,8,10,6,8,6,5,4
140 DATA 8,16,7,8,6,8
150 DATA 8,16,7,8,6,8
160 DATA 8,16,7,8,6,8
170 DATA 8,16,7,8,6,8

Don't forget to click Sound before you RUN the program.

The riff for this song is simple, D(7)-C, switching to C-D(7) for the chorus. Once again, the chorus consists of a few long notes so that there's less code to type. Even though the first two notes generated by the TI are F#-C, in practice I sing it today as F#-A, since F#-C sounds too much like the chorus from yesterday's song -- again an artefact of 10EDL having so few notes.

Indeed, the TI just happened to avoid Degree 9 (the note D), The no-nines version of 10EDL sounds a little like 8EDL with an extra note at Degree 10 -- and indeed, we might wish to treat it has a true 8EDL song with Degree 8 (E) as the tonic, perhaps with an E (or Em) chord in the chorus. It's possible to make the song end on whichever tonic we prefer (E or C) by singing the last syllable of the title ("Transformation") on the chosen tonic.

In fact, I suspect that if I'd chosen 12EDL instead of 10EDL, the TI might have produced a no-elevens 12EDL song, which might sound better than this no-nines 10EDL song. Oh well.

The lyrics refer to the functions we're using in a matching activity. Even though the verses refer to a vertical stretch (a > 1), the word "compression" (0 < a < 1) sounds better in the song.

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