Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Lesson 2.3.1: Point & Slope to Equation (Days 49-52)


First Verse:
Substitute x,
Then solve for y.
Substitute y,
Then solve for x.

x, y (four times)

Solve for x.
Solve for y.
Systems x.
Systems y.

Second Verse:
Eliminate x,
Then solve for y.
Eliminate y,
Then solve for x.

Excellent linear.
Why do nonlinear?
Extra care 'cause it's new,
While knowing what to do....
(to First Verse)

This is the tenth song that I'm writing in 10EDL, our main scale for September and October. It is the only 10EDL song that I will write in ABCD format -- verses, pre-chorus, chorus, and bridge.

I've had to do some last minute switching around with the lessons, which is thus reflected in the songs. I originally intended to perform a Math III song during first block next week. But with the earthquake drill and a possible special ed meeting in my two Math I classes tomorrow, it's much better for me to do the Math III song for this week's second block song.

Here is the Mocha code for today's song:

10 N=8
20 FOR V=1 TO 3
30 FOR X=1 TO 48+(-1)^V
50 SOUND 261-N*A,T
90 END
100 DATA 10,2,8,2,5,12,7,16
110 DATA 10,2,8,2,5,12,7,16
120 DATA 10,2,8,2,5,12,7,16
130 DATA 10,2,8,2,5,12,7,16
140 DATA 9,16,6,16
150 DATA 9,16,6,16
160 DATA 9,16,6,16
170 DATA 9,16,6,16
180 DATA 9,8,7,8,10,16
190 DATA 9,8,7,8,10,16
200 DATA 9,8,7,8,10,16
210 DATA 9,8,7,8,10,16
220 DATA 8,16,9,4,10,4,7,2,10,2,9,4
230 DATA 8,16,9,4,10,4,7,2,10,2,9,4
240 DATA 8,16,9,4,10,4,7,2,10,2,9,4
250 DATA 8,16,9,4,10,4,7,2,10,2,9,4

Don't forget to click Sound before you RUN the program.

As an ABCD format song, line 30 contains a strange formula, but it works to be 36 notes when the verse is 1 or 3 and 60 notes when the verse is 2. That way, the extra 24 notes in the bridge only play after the second verse.

Just as with ABC songs, there are so many notes to type in the DATA lines. But as my TI generator included many whole notes, there are actually fewer notes here than in last week's "Slope Dude," so this shouldn't be that much more tedious to type into Mocha. These whole notes are sung over the lyrics x or y (including "Ex-cellent" and "Why?" in the bridge).

The verses describe substitution and elimination methods for solving systems, which is what the Math III classes will be learning tomorrow. But they will be solving nonlinear systems, for which only the substitution method works. That's why the bridge leads directly into a repeat of the first verse.

(Hmm, the students will also learn about solving three variable linear systems, for which elimination is generally used. Perhaps I should add a second bridge to the song, with z mentioned over one of the whole notes, and then leading directly into a repeat of the second verse.)

The chord riffs are C-D7 in the verses, G7-Am in the pre-chorus, D7-C in the chorus, and C-G7 in the bridge -- at least, they would have been if I'd played the guitar today in fourth period. That's because yet another curveball was thrown at me today.

In Monday's post, I mentioned that district Benchmarks are coming soon. Well, the window for the district exam is this week and next week. And, much to my surprise, some Math I teachers -- including both of my next-door neighbors -- give the Benchmarks today. During my third period conference, I can hear both teachers directly their students to place their backpacks against the wall.

So now suddenly my mind is racing, as I'm afraid that I'm supposed to give the test today as well but somehow missed it. I visit another math teacher's classroom -- the only other one who also has third period prep. She reassures me that we still have until next week to give the Benchmarks -- indeed, she herself won't administer them until next week either.

My colleague also tells me that she's wants to give two more lessons before the district test -- deriving an equation from a point and a slope, and deriving it from two points. So I switch out today's lesson on the Big Race and replace it with a Desmos on point-slope, although I only use y = mx + b (where the students plug in values for x, y, m and solve for b, not the Point-Slope Formula). I'll do two points next week, as the last lesson before the Benchmarks.

Indeed, I must work hard to keep my freshmen quiet while my neighbors are taking the test. So instead of taking out my guitar, I give a pure vocal performance. And I only sing part of the song -- it is, after all, a Math III song (though due to the block schedule, a Math I class is always the first to hear any song that I perform). I inform them that this Math III song can also double as a Math I song, as students will solve systems later in Math I as well. (For Math I, I'll likely leave out the bridge, as this class doesn't learn about those more complex systems.)

I don't mind a stripped-down version of the song in fourth period Math I as Math III is the intended audience of the song. But one of my neighbors teaches nothing but Math I, and so he'll be giving the Benchmarks in all his classes tomorrow. So now I must wonder whether I'll play the full version of the song for my Math III tomorrow.

Math III will take Benchmarks as well. Earlier, the Math III teachers were trying to petition the district to extend the testing window by a week, but I don't know whether they were successful or not. I'll likely find out during Friday's Math III meeting. At any rate, the next few weeks in my math classes will definitely be shaped by the impending district tests.

(Enjoy watching sports tomorrow -- another sports equinox is upon us!)

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